Appointments – Kimberly Greene Royce, LMFT

Mental Health Services for individuals, couples, and families (teens 12 years and up).

To schedule an appointment, please email me at or call 916-757-2681. Once you have an appointment, I will provide a link to my HIPPA compliant portal with online client forms. Please complete the forms prior to your first appointment.


No travel, no schedule conflicts due to location, no waiting rooms, be seen in an environment of your choice.

Experience the most convenient way to improve your mental health.


Out of Network Provider
Many insurance plans offer you the option of receiving out-of-network providers.

For those plans that allow this option, you pay for services and receive a statement from me that you can submit to your insurance plan for reimbursement.

Kimberly Greene Royce, LMFT

Mental Health Services for Individuals, Couples, and Families

Virtual services throughout California

Kimberly Greene Royce, Psychotherapy / Mental Health Services for Individuals, Couples, and Families

Clinical Approach

I am a California-based Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist with experience treating individuals, couples, and families.

I am EMDR and CRM trained and BSP certified. I incorporate Psychodymanic Approaches, Mindfulness, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuropsychotherapy, Heart Centered Therapy (HCT), guided imagery, and art therapy techniques.